Celebrating and rejoicing, along with all in Heaven, that at least 34 of us united in prayer over 24 hours at the weekend.
Such a blessing for the 17 of us who gathered in Prayer & Praise Together to be led in prayer by Richard and Jan, who shared the most beautiful joyous videos of people in Kumi, celebrating the blessings of what God is providing through their ministry. We then worshipped in song and immersed ourselves in meditation of the beautiful words of Psalm 139.
Before our 24 hours even began, Sally Swann sent this through:
‘As I’ m too weary to try linking up this evening, may I offer some thoughts/ prayers:
None of us is completely strong or utterly weak. ( To work is to pray- dear Lord, Friend and Redeemer, may we know you more clearly, love you more dearly and follow you more nearly, day by day?
Originates 13 century: Bishop of Chichester( Richard).X’
What great words of wisdom from Sally. We all have needs and we all have something to offer. Prayer is work, indeed the greatest act of serving. And of course our relationship with the Lord is why we are here. It’s what makes us whole and fulfilled, and it’s prayer that makes that relationship strong and healthy. Thank you so much Sally.
Following her hour of prayer with the Lord, Angela Avent shared:
‘During my hour I said what do you want me to hear from you this hour? I saw a heart hanging on my door . Then in this psalm the word heart is used twice in the reflection questions. Heart and love, as we enjoy a new year, my prayer is that we are all blessed with love, in our homes, in our churches and in our communities. “Blessings come down when our prayers go up “
May we all make 2024 a year of prayer and see what blessings come
May we all make 2024 a year of prayer and see what blessings come

Amen! Amen! Amen! Love – that’s what it’s all about! A message so pure and true, directly from the heart of our Lord, through the beautiful heart of Angela, to us all. What a wonderful focus for the start of the year.
With God’s love and prayers
Diane x