Posts by Simon Clark

5160 of 70 items

Sermon series: What does it mean to be Christ Church?

Line of young people standing on a beach holding hands at sunset

The series aims to explore what our church is called to be at THIS time in THIS place, in the light of our vision of “learning to live the life” as Jesus’ followers. At a pivotal moment in our church’s life, how can we more fully become the community Jesus wants us to be? The […]

Ben and Katy Ray link letter no. 22 July 2019

A photo of Ben and Katy Ray.

We have received a new letter from Ben and Katy Ray, our mission partners in Tanzania. Their big news is that their third child Julia Elizabeth Ray arrived safe and well on Tuesday 25 June, weighing 8lb14oz. Katy is making a good recovery. Zachary and Alessia are both delighted with their baby sister and are […]

Biblical Principles of Giving

Sunrise over Christ Church Downend

By Jo Vickery In describing what it means to be a disciple of Jesus Christ, the Bible has much to say in relation how resources are to be handled. Here are some principles of Christian Stewardship. Disciples of Jesus are those who put these principles into practice: Priority – Giving is to be top of […]

Lifting the Lid: Comms Team

Lifting the Lid is a monthly series of short presentations at the Sunday morning 10.30am service to highlight some of the work that goes on behind the scenes. Last Sunday, 27th January, the congregation heard from us, the Comms Team, about the work that we do to communicate the message of Christ Church to its […]

January 2019 Newsletter from Pastor Misa Hiorescu

An image of Pastor Misa and his family

We have received the January 2019 newsletter from Pastor Misa Hiorescu in Moldova. Christ Church supported the building of the church where he is the pastor through a tithe gift taken from donations to the Building4Life project and Misa visited us for the reopening weekend in October. Pastor Misa writes: Lord’s peace, dear brothers. Another […]

From tea at Clarence House with the Queen Mother to Downend 37 years ago

The Annual Christingle Services at Christ Church have become a regular part of the calendar at Christ Church and all because of one amazing lady. Doreen Cruse, a longstanding member of Christ Church (pictured centre) started doing door to door collections for The Children’s Society in 1960. Then in 1981, she was invited to tea […]

November 2018 Newsletter from Pastor Misa Hiorescu

An image of Pastor Misa and his family

We have received the November 2018 newsletter from Pastor Misa Hiorescu in Moldova. Christ Church supported the building of the church where he is the pastor through a tithe gift taken from donations to the Building4Life project and Misa visited us for the reopening weekend in October. Pastor Misa writes: Lord’s peace, dear brothers! First […]

October 2018 Newsletter from Ben & Katy Ray

Photo of Ben and Katy Ray.

Ben & Katy Ray are our mission partners in Tanzania. In that country, people with disabilities are often considered to be a burden or even a curse. People think that nothing can be done for them. They are often left uneducated and told that the best chance they have is to beg on the streets. […]