Posts by Simon Clark

6170 of 70 items

May 2018 Newsletter from Pastor Misa Hiorescu

Misa holding a service in Moldova

We have received the May 2018 newsletter from Pastor Misa Hiorescu in Moldova. Christ Church members supported the building of the church where he is the pastor through a tithe gift taken from donations to the Building4Life project. Pastor Misa writes: The Lord’s peace, dear brothers. I’m happy to be able to write to you […]

Laura Green’s bike ride to Paris

A message from Laura: “For those of you who don’t know I have decided to cycle to Paris on the 4th-8th May (430 km in 4 days) to raise money for a new 3D ultrasound machine for St Michael’s hospital,  This will help diagnose and monitor babies during pregnancy better.  If anyone would like to […]

The 2018/2019 Growing Leaders Course

Line of young people standing on a beach holding hands at sunset

A series of ten sessions in 2018 / 2019 held at St Michael’s Centre, Stoke Gifford & St Nicholas, Yate. The Growing Leaders course focuses on developing leaders across the life of the church, and provides practical resources for running a leadership development process over a year. Now used by hundreds of churches across Britain […]

Dedicate a chair project

How you can help us reach our goal of 200 chairs for the new church building This picture shows the beautiful chairs in Gloucester Cathedral, which we are hoping to buy for our Church building when it is completed. These are high quality pieces of furniture, made to last. Though they are wooden they are […]

Have you ever wondered what goes on at PCC meetings?

Parish Church, Christ Church Downend

Have you ever wondered what goes on at PCC meetings; or are you even aware that it exists? The PCC (or rather grand sounding Parochial Church Council) is the trustee body for Christ Church – all Anglican churches have one, and they’re the places where key decisions relating to the resourcing of the mission of […]

News from Pastor Misa Hiorescu

Misa holding a service in Moldova

We have received a newsletter from Pastor Misa Hiorescu in Moldova. Christ Church members supported the building of the church where he is the pastor through a tithe gift taken from donations to the Building4Life project. Pastor Misa says: I greet you with the Lord’s peace, dear brothers and sisters. Each time I have the […]

First Payment from the Co-op Local Community Fund

We have been told that our first payment from the Co-op Local Community Fund is on its way. Since 12 November, Co-op Members have chosen to support Building4Life with their 1% and have raised £366.64. Here’s how it works: every time members shop at the Co-op, 1% of what they spend on selected own-brand products […]

New Building4Life Page

All our Building4Life information is now available from a single page on this website. Click on the Building4Life banner on the home page or look for the Building4Life item under “About us” in the menu at the top of any page.

Building4Life Progress Report from Hart Construction

You might have read in our previous Building4Life update that our contractors, Hart Construction, are going to send us a short progress report every 2 weeks. Here is the link to the first of the reports: Christ Church – Progress Report 09.02.18. As well as a short summary of progress to date, it also contains […]

Rev Jo blogs: A House of Prayer for all Nations

Man praying in the countryside against a dawn sunrise.

As Jesus taught them he said, is it not written, “My house shall be a house of prayer for all nations?” (Mark 11: 17) It’s 5.30 on Monday morning and I have just returned from 2 hours in the stillness of church, and the prayer wall already has those words on it. They seem to […]