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Coronavirus Update: Saturday 14th March

Dear Christ Church Family, With the coronavirus situation evolving rapidly, we wanted to keep you up to date on the latest implications for us at Christ Church. Following further guidance from the Church of England we have now taken a few further significant steps, in addition to those communicated on Thursday. Sunday and Thursday Services […]

Women’s Quiet Day postponed

Sadly, Mill House have asked us not to come on March 28th due to the virus. We have arranged a new date of Saturday 5th September. If you would like to come, please contact Anita Dobson 07753233950 You can find out more details from Anita or from the event post Those who were booked […]

Coronavirus update

A message from Paul Peterson, our Associate Minister: Dear Christ Church family, At a time of ongoing uncertainty the Church Wardens and I just wanted to update you on how we are responding to the coronavirus threat at Christ Church and reassure you that we are closely monitoring the unfolding situation and advice from the […]

Lifting the Lid: Youth ministry

Christ Church Youth Team

This week’s lifting the lid focused on youth ministry outreach. Not the outreach that takes place in Downend Secondary School every Friday but the in-house outreach that takes place in the youth hub and parish hall every Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. There are many aspects to youth ministry, as this table shows, but to give […]

Poppies everywhere in Downend

The Downend & Bromley Heath in Bloom team have organised a big poppy display in Downend as we mark the 100th Anniversary of the end of WW1. Local groups, including schools and clubs have painted 600 poppies and in the Church grounds there are 173 special poppies which are named with those from Downend who […]

Laura Green’s bike ride to Paris

A message from Laura: “For those of you who don’t know I have decided to cycle to Paris on the 4th-8th May (430 km in 4 days) to raise money for a new 3D ultrasound machine for St Michael’s hospital,  This will help diagnose and monitor babies during pregnancy better.  If anyone would like to […]

The 2018/2019 Growing Leaders Course

Line of young people standing on a beach holding hands at sunset

A series of ten sessions in 2018 / 2019 held at St Michael’s Centre, Stoke Gifford & St Nicholas, Yate. The Growing Leaders course focuses on developing leaders across the life of the church, and provides practical resources for running a leadership development process over a year. Now used by hundreds of churches across Britain […]

Have you ever wondered what goes on at PCC meetings?

Parish Church, Christ Church Downend

Have you ever wondered what goes on at PCC meetings; or are you even aware that it exists? The PCC (or rather grand sounding Parochial Church Council) is the trustee body for Christ Church – all Anglican churches have one, and they’re the places where key decisions relating to the resourcing of the mission of […]

Latest prayer letter from Dihlabeng Christian School in Clarens

Clarens kids

Feeding scheme news, appeal for child sponsors, special educational needs and sports facility provision news and more. Here is the Newsletter No. 23 June 2018 for the Dihlabeng Christian School in Clarens, South Africa.  Here is the update on the Feeding Scheme Newsletter June 2018  . Click Sponsor Needs 2018 to find out more about the […]