#8 What does it look like to be a church that is a community of grace?

Grace: receiving the undeserved and generous riches of God’s love when he could have turned away from us and our sin. At the 10.30 service Cathie Watson showed us a clip from the film “Les Miserables” which captures perfectly the undeserved kindness God shows to us through Jesus. Jean Valjean the ex-convict, unable to find […]

#7 What does it look like for Christ Church to be a people who live simply?

This week’s theme challenges us to consider: what does it look like for me to live simply? What does it look like as a church? Jesus’ words in Luke 12:22-34 remind us that we have over- complicated and over- busied life for ourselves and even as a church. Paul Peterson in his sermon spoke these […]

#6 What does it look like to be a church ready to reach the lost?

Gathering in the Harvest Many people long to belong. To connect in a genuine way with others. To know complete forgiveness and start afresh, free from guilt. To discover meaning in life. To find inner peace and hope. All thee things come from meeting Jesus, so let’s make sure people have every chance to do […]

#5 What does it look like for Christ Church to be a real family?

Here are questions and notes from our weekend away at Lee Abbey, which will also echo the sermons preached at Christ Church. We Are Family: but what does that really mean? Follow the link to read questions which you can look at as an individual or as a group. http://christchurchdownend.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/What-does-it-look-like-for-Christ-Church-to-be-a-real-family.pdf

#4 What does it look like to be a church that radically loves those in poverty?

Our 4th issue in our series “What does it look like to be Christ Church?” asks how we take seriously Jesus’ bias for the poor. Nigel Stowe our preacher, and Leyla Fellows our CAP Centre Manager, helped us to connect helping those in need with Jesus’ command to love one another and to love God. […]

#3 What does it look like to be a church that is learning to learn?

Here are the questions from yesterday’s talk by Shahne Vickery about how we are all created to have different spiritual temperaments, or ways of responding to God in worship. Reflect, discuss with others, feed back: to aidan@christchurchdownend.com or anitadobson@christchurchdownend.com Spiritual Temperaments Shahne spoke of 7 different temperaments: the intellectual, the ascetic, the naturalist, the activist, […]

It’s good to be messy at church

Messy Church logo

Messy Church is back this week on Wednesday 18 September… we started Messy Church at Christ Church 4 years ago on 23 September  2015  ! So its our 4th Birthday ! Its from 4.30-6.30pm in the Parish Hall, North Street. What exactly is Messy Church ? well its  a way of being church for families involving […]

#2 What does it look like to be passionate about prayer?

Session 2 of our journey into what does it look like to be Christ Church examines what God can do in and through us if we grow warmer towards spending time with the Lord and listening to him. We may not all have the gifts or the the temperament of Iona Clark who shared her […]

What does it look like to be Christ Church?

We are starting a new journey in this season. A journey of exploration, of listening, of wondering, of learning. Of asking ourselves, what does it look like to be the church that Jesus calls us to be? What does it look like to be the Acts 2 church that “devotes itself to prayer” “eats and […]