Our first Prayer Labyrinth

For #ThyKingdomCome, the journey of waiting for Pentecost, we laid out a simple prayer labyrinth, a single pathway to follow, with verses from the Bible and objects along the pathway, to draw us into prayer. There was a chair and a candle at the centre, a place to rest and to pray.

Lifting the Lid on Tuesday Move It Club

About 2 years ago, a group of Christians from The Sanctuary Church, Pendennis Good News Church and Christ Church started to meet to pray specifically for the Pendennis Flats area. We used to join together once a year for carol singing, but we felt like we wanted to do more for our nearest neighbours. Then […]

What a great Noise !

May Bank Holiday saw a team of 67 young people and adults from Christ Church Downend taking part in ‘The Noise 2019’. The Noise is an annual event where volunteers from churches across the city get together to show God’s love in practical ways by participating in community projects.The Christ Church team provided a free […]

Venue hire at Christ Church Downend

Interior of the newly refurbished Christ Church Downend

A variety of adaptable spaces are currently available for community use in our newly refurbished church, parish hall and Church Centre on Quakers Road. The church can comfortably seat 300 (100 upstairs in balcony and 200 downstairs) and is proving a popular venue for theatre productions, concerts and choirs. Tables and chairs can be arranged […]

The Football & Faith Experiment

Want to get to Sunday Church and play football ? Children in years 4,5 & 6 at Primary School ? Well now you can do both. We are having a Football and Faith Experiment at Christ Church. For May, we have one date when some of our 6th form students will be hosting ball skills […]

Prayer changes things: even abroad!

Sandy Wright, a regular member of our Thursday morning congregation, who was married at Christ Church 44 years ago, recounts a recent experience that reminded her how prayer really works. And how much God cares for us,and shows us in so many little ways that we might miss if we don’t open our eyes to […]

The Road to Emmaus

The two men walking from Jerusalem to Emmaus after Jesus’death have always fascinated me. Why is only one of them named? Why did they not recognise Jesus even though he travelled and talked with them for some time? How did they feel,having to explain it all to an apparent stranger when they were deeply upset […]

Easter Candlelit Vigil

Gather in anticipation of the Easter Joy to come as we prepare for Easter Day with a candlelit vigil on Easter Saturday / Holy Saturday at 8pm in Christ Church. The Church will be filled with lilies as we anticipate the risen Christ.

Biblical Principles of Giving

Sunrise over Christ Church Downend

By Jo Vickery In describing what it means to be a disciple of Jesus Christ, the Bible has much to say in relation how resources are to be handled. Here are some principles of Christian Stewardship. Disciples of Jesus are those who put these principles into practice: Priority – Giving is to be top of […]

Easter Bunnies at Christ Church

The rain was pouring outside but in the Church it was warm and welcoming as we opened the doors to our lovely Parish Church to all ages for our Family Easter Afternoon Tea. There were scones & jam & cream, Easter biscuits, plant & cards stalls from the Stroke Recovery Gardening Group and the Monday […]