I wonder whether you enjoy sitting still and soaking up the atmosphere, or whether you’re an activist who thinks a moment of rest is a moment wasted.

Whatever our spiritual temperament, we can all benefit from learning to still ourselves and be more aware of God’s presence. In his sermon on 2/2/20 Jo Vickery described how contemplation is a form of prayer we can learn: learn to be obedient, to be still and to just “be.” In this way we move from “me and God” to “God and me” and then to “only God.”

How could I explore the riches of this form of prayer further?

Our Trinity Chapel is open for prayer: you could enjoy it at any time when the church building is open or ask to use it at a specified time. You could make a particular chair or space in your home or garden into a prayer place where you find it easier to become aware of God’s presence. There are many books on this subject: explore in the church library in the chapel or ask Jo for ideas. He mentioned this book “The ruthless elimination of Hurry”by John Mark Comer which is extremely helpful, especially in helping us to review and control how technology and our awareness of God might be competing. https://christian360.sirv.com/spins/9781529308389/9781529308389_33.jpg?profile=eden-watermark

You could try going on retreat. For example, the Women’s Quiet Day on Sat 28 March: see Anita Dobson for more information. Also look out for details of a retreat day in the summer term. There are also several retreat centres within reach of Bristol. Ask or browse for details.

Here are some helpful tools from the Prayer Course:


