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Children’s Ministry Gift Day

Our children and families are very special to us and the PCC have agreed that now is the time to seek a new Head of Children’s ministry. We hope to be in a position to advertise for a part time paid role. In order to help fund this post, we are asking that you consider […]

Join us for prayer and praise on Zoom this Friday

To begin our One Church One Day 24 hours of prayer, join us on Zoom for the first hour at 7pm on Friday 2nd October. To get the link to join in this church family time of praying together, please email Diane Paddon at diane.paddon@christchurchdownend.com “Keep the fires burning” To sign up for an hour […]

Jigsaw Toddlers get outdoors

From next Friday 18 September, we are going to meet in mini Jigsaws of 6 at 9.30am at King George V playing fields. We will build 6s as people sign up and each 6 will have a “place to gather”. If weather is iffy we will post any update on our dedicated facebook group by […]

A walk with Jesus : The Road to Emmaus

Children’s groups this Sunday Sparklers can watch the story with Eloise and Jack on YouTube here https://youtu.be/eK2tuTpYJGY and you may like to make a paper fan by folding a piece of paper concertina style and colour it ready for Sunday. And Connected groups there is a pdf with 9 pictures to print out ready for […]

The Bread Dough empty tomb challenge!

Here is an Easter activity with a difference: can you make up some bread dough, and create shapes to share the Easter story with your family ? If you don’t have any bread flour & yeast, you can still join in by making the shapes out of leaves / twigs or stones. Ingredients: 500g strong […]

Easter card making & a Sunday wilderness story,

This Sunday our Connected children’s groups will be studying the story of when Jesus was tempted by the devil in the wilderness. You can read it here : Matthew 4: 1-11 https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew%204:1-11&version=NIV and listen to my reading of a Bob Hartman version of the story here: https://youtu.be/TIqu0mpV-_I If the children could have a dark colour […]

Colour and Ponder

There’s been a craze for grown ups doing colouring over the last couple of years. I have found that colouring a Bible verse and doodling around it is a great way to meditate on what that verse means, and it holds my mind and emotions in a way that just reading can’t achieve for me. […]

Children’s Teaching for this Sunday 29 March

Hello everyone ! I expect lots of you are missing being with your friends. This Sunday we will have 4 children’s groups running and 1 youth group running, all meeting via zoom. I have emailed out to families the links to join each virtual Sunday Group, if you haven’t received the email please message me, […]

Mothering Sunday Service

Join in our Sunday worship via our YouTube Channel on this link https://youtu.be/PfxO3jHOvb4 Hear a message from Jo Vickery & sung worship from Anita and Susie Dobson. Every Sunday there will be a new worship service published at 10am on our YouTube channel for everyone to join in with. And every other day of the […]

Virtual Children’s Sunday Groups 21 & 22 March 2020

Children’s Resources for this Sunday: Here are some ideas for a family worship time together from Helen Buick our Children’s leader: There is a Youtube film of Helen  https://youtu.be/PKqXhFKr0pk  with an invitation to join in worship together on the YouTube channel. You can follow the written instructions from this post or watch Helen talking you through […]