
131140 of 328 items

Lord, teach us to Pray toolbox

Here are the useful tools for prayer, from Session 1 of Lord, Teach us to Pray series, and the first session guide. How to have a Quiet Time, How to pray the Lord’s Prayer, and How to pray the Examen. http://christchurchdownend.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/session1_why_pray_study_guide.pdf http://christchurchdownend.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/Tool-1-How-to-Pray-the-Lords-Prayer.pdf http://christchurchdownend.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/Tool-2-How-to-have-a-Quiet-Time.pdf http://christchurchdownend.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/Tool-3-How-to-Pray-the-Examen.pdf

Lord, teach us to pray

We probably all pray at moments of crisis, and we don’t worry much how we do it then! Prayer can be so much richer and deeper than that, and our souls long to connect with God, even if we don’t yet recognise that longing. But HOW? To start 2020 we will look in our services, […]

Planet Earth Festive Plea

PLANET  EARTH is in deep trouble. “God so loved the world, and everything in it, that he sent his son….” Christmas is coming- but don’t forget the CLIMATE  EMERGENCY.  Please think before you shop. Do they/ you,  really need that?  Christians were called to live counter- culturally.          Let’s pull together:  Lets cut […]

A World of Difference

Come to our Christingle service. Enjoy the beautiful atmosphere of the children standing in a circle with their oranges and candles lit to symbolise Jesus the light of the world, coming to shine away the darkness we face.  Have fun together as we worship through song and activities. This service is so popular that we […]

Which event will you try this Christmas at Christ Church?

There are so many different events that might appeal to you this Christmas. You might enjoy the beauty of Carols by Candlelight with the traditional readings and carols. (5pm & 7pm Sunday 22 December) Would you be inspired by seeing in the day itself at the Midnight communion? (11 pm 24 December) Maybe you and […]

Friendship at any age

Friendship is flourishing between the residents at William Court & pupils at Christ Church Junior School thanks to the continuing visits from the CCJ Friendship Club. The group meet once a month for an hour of chatting, with a break for tea & biscuits. It’s a beautiful sight to see both the children’s and residents’ faces light up […]

So what IS Christ Church?!

Over the last 8 weeks we’ve been asking this question, at all our services. We really want to know the answer. We want everyone to be asking the question, debating the answers, moving towards being a church that Jesus would feel at home in. Hopefully you’ve caught at least some of the talks and caught […]

No one rang the doorbell last night!

Here’s a blog post originally posted after Hallowe’en in November 2016 when we had suggested DIY light parties all over Downend ! “No one rang the doorbell last night. It was October 31st and the trick or treaters were busy walking through the neighbourhood. Before you ask,  yes we did have the lights on and […]

#8 What does it look like to be a church that is a community of grace?

Grace: receiving the undeserved and generous riches of God’s love when he could have turned away from us and our sin. At the 10.30 service Cathie Watson showed us a clip from the film “Les Miserables” which captures perfectly the undeserved kindness God shows to us through Jesus. Jean Valjean the ex-convict, unable to find […]