The Holy Week in Art

We are delighted to be able to share with you a new resource for Holy Week written by Shahne Vickery. Monday – Saturday next week, here on our Christ Church Downend website, we will share each day a new painting and some reflections and crafts and we invite you to draw on these reflections as […]

Colour and Ponder

There’s been a craze for grown ups doing colouring over the last couple of years. I have found that colouring a Bible verse and doodling around it is a great way to meditate on what that verse means, and it holds my mind and emotions in a way that just reading can’t achieve for me. […]

Sunday Worship – 29th March

Man against a sunset

Join in our Sunday worship via our YouTube Channel on this link Hear a message from Rev. Aidan Watson, music led by Susie and Anita Dobson, and intercessions led by Iona Clark. Every Sunday there will be a new worship service published at 10am on our YouTube channel for everyone to join in with. […]

Children’s Teaching for this Sunday 29 March

Hello everyone ! I expect lots of you are missing being with your friends. This Sunday we will have 4 children’s groups running and 1 youth group running, all meeting via zoom. I have emailed out to families the links to join each virtual Sunday Group, if you haven’t received the email please message me, […]

Doing church differently

Dear friends, We’re very aware that not everyone has access to the internet, so wanted to ensure that everyone associated with the Christ Church Family was kept up to date with news. Whether you’re reading this on-line or in paper format, please be assured of our prayers and desire to stay connected during this uniquely […]

Support to CAP clients

Dear Christ Church family, During these challenging times, we’re very keen to ensure that we continue to support CAP clients with food parcels. Bryan Ashton who usually co-ordinates our foodbank is having to self isolate, so for the next few weeks Paul Peterson will be working with Leyla to ensure food is delivered to those […]

Christ Church building to remain closed

It is with great sadness that we have had to take the decision not to open Christ Church Downend to the public in view of the rapidly growing spread of the Coronavirus. We do not believe it would be responsible to do this now or in the foreseeable future. You will find many resources for […]

Mothering Sunday Service

Join in our Sunday worship via our YouTube Channel on this link Hear a message from Jo Vickery & sung worship from Anita and Susie Dobson. Every Sunday there will be a new worship service published at 10am on our YouTube channel for everyone to join in with. And every other day of the […]

Virtual Children’s Sunday Groups 21 & 22 March 2020

Children’s Resources for this Sunday: Here are some ideas for a family worship time together from Helen Buick our Children’s leader: There is a Youtube film of Helen  with an invitation to join in worship together on the YouTube channel. You can follow the written instructions from this post or watch Helen talking you through […]

Coronavirus update: Where are we now? 18th March 2020

19 On the evening of that first day of the week, when the disciples were together, with the doors locked for fear of the Jewish leaders, Jesus came and stood among them and said, “Peace be with you!” 20 After he said this, he showed them his hands and side. The disciples were overjoyed when they saw […]