Could You Be A Volunteer Debt Coach?

Changing lives logo

Some exciting developments are underway at our CAP Debt Centre. As we’re now incredibly busy and have a 3 month waiting list for appointments, we’ve decided to take on two Volunteer Debt Coaches.   These will be voluntary roles in which basic expenses are paid with a time commitment of 8 hours per week.  The job […]

Can you help us reach our 10,000 bags of bags target?

Junior SOUP leader & pupils at Bromley Heath Junior School holding a 10,000 bag target.

Downend Junior Soup Team the Bromley Heath Souper Troupers need your help. So they have written to the Downend Voice to get local support for their project.  What started off as a small school project as part of Downend Soup is growing and we are keen to see other community groups and other local schools […]

Homemade cards make a difference in Africa

Surgeons in full operating dress performing an operations

The craft group at Christ Church have been supporting Mercy Ships for a number of years. The African Mercy is a huge hospital ship which docks in different ports in Africa. The surgeons on board perform hundreds of operations each year, many cataract, large tumours, and straightening children’s limbs, all giving their services free of […]

Lifting the Lid: Comms Team

Lifting the Lid is a monthly series of short presentations at the Sunday morning 10.30am service to highlight some of the work that goes on behind the scenes. Last Sunday, 27th January, the congregation heard from us, the Comms Team, about the work that we do to communicate the message of Christ Church to its […]

January 2019 Newsletter from Pastor Misa Hiorescu

An image of Pastor Misa and his family

We have received the January 2019 newsletter from Pastor Misa Hiorescu in Moldova. Christ Church supported the building of the church where he is the pastor through a tithe gift taken from donations to the Building4Life project and Misa visited us for the reopening weekend in October. Pastor Misa writes: Lord’s peace, dear brothers. Another […]

Whole Church Whole Life Disciples?

As most of you will be aware, we have been following on the Whole Life Discipleship journey for some time now, and we’ve been encouraging other churches in the Diocese of Bristol to join in. LICC have helped the Diocese to run a second Learning Hub in 2017/18 along the lines of the one we […]

Where there’s Mess there’s Life

How Messy Church is reaching out to the community- and how you can be part of it. I’ll admit it, I quite like statistics. Sometimes they help you take stock. We can take part in some aspect of church life for years and never really stop to think, is this working? Are we spreading God’s […]

Downend SOUP 5: The Souperbowl returns

Bowls of soup

Community crowdfunding project Downend SOUP is gearing up for its fifth and most ambitious project yet – the SOUPerbowl – two SOUP events all on one evening. The simple yet effective idea sees people gather together to hear three community projects pitch their ideas.  Donations on the door create a prize fund which is used […]

Bounce into Church

Bouncy castle in Church

At the start of 2019, Christ Church Downend made the bold decision to fling open their doors and invite the whole community to “Bounce into Church”. So on the last day of the school Christmas holidays, your local Church was filled with jumping children and happy parents. There was a  hospitality team serving toast and […]

Orbitron Party with Chip Kendall

Book your children in and prepare to blast off in a praise party like you have never known. Christ Church is hosting Big Church Kids worship leader, Chip Kendall and he will be bringing his crew to Downend in 2019. We have booked this epic Praise Party, which is called, “Orbitron” at Christ Church Downend […]