Online Alpha course!

In these strange and troubling times, many of us will be facing new questions or at least facing familiar questions in a new way. We are starting an Alpha Course online, running for eight Thursday evenings from 7.45pm – 9.15pm starting on the 4th June. Evenings will be run using zoom, which if you haven’t […]

Valuing the Week – with Jo & Shahne

Each Saturday during the lockdown, Rev Jo and Shahne Vickery give us an update on news in our church family but also share stories of how our church values of Thankfulness, Graciousness, Openness and Prayerfulness! You can read more about our week of 24/7 prayer and sign up here for one of the prayer slots.

Sunday 24 May Children’s teaching

For Moses & the Israelites, the last plague was a terrible one, but God spared the Israelite people and enabled them to escape and leave Egypt. This Sunday Mike and Liz Parsons will be with Connected leading the story and there is going to be an epic craft, so bring a print out of our […]

Thy Kingdom Come 24/7 Prayer Week

24/7 Prayer Week: 24th – 31st May 2020 It seems that Christ Church’s teaching series based on Pete Greig’s book ‘How to Pray’ came at just the right time. The series had barely finished before we were driven to our knees as the coronavirus took hold across the world and many of our earthly securities […]

Prayer for Mission Partners

This page contains prayer requests from our mission partners and should be read in conjunction with the Thy Kingdom Come post. CAP For our Head Office staff who have got new systems for remote appointments up and running and for continued wisdom as they work on a remote system for offering 1st appointments. For our […]

Dial-a-sermon 0117 456 2304

Do you know someone who would like to listen to our sermon recordings but does not use the Internet? We are now able to offer a new telephone service for listening to the last four sermons from Sunday mornings at Christ Church. Anyone can select the sermon they want to hear by phoning this number: […]

Valuing the Week – with Jo & Shahne

Each Saturday during the lockdown Rev Jo and Shahne Vickery give us an update on news in our church family but also share stories of how our church values of Thankfulness, Graciousness, Openness and Prayerfulness!

Coronavirus Finance Update – May 2020

Interior of the newly refurbished Christ Church Downend

This week Rev Paul Peterson caught up with our treasurer, Jamie Paddon, to find out how the coronavirus lockdown was impacting Christ Church. P: Thanks for chatting to us Jamie – the big question for you as treasurer is what impact is the coronavirus lockdown having on Christ Church’s finances? J: Well, the two main […]

Children’s Church this Sunday

Hello everyone ! A big thank you to Elliot who made a Lego Christ Church model. If you would like to share anything you have painted / drawn / cooked / filmed please do send photos or film to me. We would be delighted to share them on our social media pages.  Elliot this model […]

Neema Crafts Tanzania PPE Appeal

Ben and Katy Ray are our mission partners in Tanzania. For the safety of the staff and community they have decided to shut down the Neema Centre until such a point as it seems safe to re-open. This was not an easy decision, especially as there are very few reported cases currently in Tanzania, but […]